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June 15, 2023

‘Open House’: An Upcoming Horror Musical Dark Comedy [Giallo Julian’s Indie Spotlight]

By Giallo Julian

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre meets The Rocky Horror Picture Show meets Motel Hell meets Waiting For Guffman!”

That’s a lot of introductions… Hope they use hand sanitizer after shaking so many hands. If you couldn’t tell by that quote from indie director/actor/writer/general cool guy Ricky Glore, I have an interesting upcoming flick to talk to y’all about. Described as a “Horror Musical Dark Comedy”, Open House promises to have plenty of “dark comedy, gore… and a little music!” Musical horror is something I genuinely enjoy and don’t feel we get enough of, so this is particularly exciting to me!

In Open House:

“A young mother, along with her teenage daughter, live a vagabond life, bouncing from town to town, squatting in homes that they have tricked realtors into showing them during the day, and then breaking into them later at night, so they have somewhere to sleep. This grift seems to be working well until the two come across an overzealous realty couple, who show the duo a house, but refuse to let them leave.”

Glore is helming the feature, which stars Timmy Barron (Chicago Fire), Ali Delianidesu (All Your Friends Are Dead), Lisa Walton (When the Night Falls, Terror Talk), and newcomer Jasmine Fondrisi. The SFX will be handled by Trevor Thompson, who’s worked on such films as Malum and Mom and Dad. Composing the music is David Kornfield, along with Glore. The film’s primary shooting location will be the “famed haunted basement of Bobby Mackey’s in Wilder, Kentucky”.

Open House’s Kickstarter is currently ongoing, which you can support right here.

As I’ve said plenty of times before, whenever I learn more, I’ll be sure to keep y’all in the know.

Until next time…

Ciao, friends!

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