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May 21, 2008

Chair, The (DVD)

By Steve Barton

Reviewed by Uncle Creepy

Starring Alanna Chisholm, Lauren Roy, Adam Seybold, Nick Abraham

Directed by Brett Sullivan

Distributed by Lionsgate Home Entertainment

Award laurels. These days whenever I see them on the box for a movie I’ve never heard of, I almost immediately lose interest. Don’t get me wrong; filmmakers should be proud of any and all awards that they receive for their work. It’s just that sometimes said awards are used as a marketing tool for really bad movies that got some form of recognition at a random horror-fest that no one has ever heard of. The box for The Chair had three awards listed from two well known festivals. This was a good sign, but little did I know how good. To my surprise, The Chair, despite having cover art that screams Saw-rip-off, is a competent little film that truly deserves its attention.

Danielle (played at times with an extreme amount of crazy-bitch by Chisholm) is a chick with a history. A history of mental disorder that has led to a good amount of treatment in pharmaceutical form. Luckily she has a strong support group to help her through her rough patches. The only problem? Not even the most caring of individuals could carry her through the strange goings-on at her new home. Due half to the tenacity of a vengeful spirit and the other half to a weakened mental state, Danielle’s body quickly becomes home to a serial killer’s soul that has lain dormant for one hundred years. What we have here, folks, is a tale of murder, mayhem, and things going bump in the night that doesn’t exactly break new ground but still manages to take you on one hell of a ride.

Sure The Chair has its fair share of pitfalls and at times relies on the audience to do a good deal of disbelief suspension, but it’s really easy to forgive its few stumbles. Why? Because everyone involved with this project is completely devoted to making a really good movie instead of a cheapo cash-in. Director Brett Sullivan does an admirable job of building mood and tension and delivering the spooky without compromise. There are parts in this film that I have no doubt will send shivers down more than a few spines. Couple all that with some vintage horror movie camera work, as well as solid performances all around, and we have a winner.

However, the DVD itself falls pretty short of being a contender. All we get is seventeen minutes of your standard behind-the-scenes stuff, a commentary, and the unedited Zymytryk footage. I know you’re scratching your head … “What the hell is Zymytryk footage?” You know what? I don’t want to give anything away. Trust me; after watching the movie, you’ll be glad it’s there. Tack on the film’s trailer, and we’re done.

Looking for a movie to kick back with on a dark, stormy night? Need your fix of murderous ghostly mayhem? Sit your ass down and check out The Chair! Just don’t blame me if you never look at a can of loose change the same way ever again!

Special Features

  • Filmmaker’s commentary
  • Behind-the-scenes featurette
  • Unedited Zymytryk footage
  • Trailer


    3 1/2 out of 5

    Special Features:

    2 1/2 out of 5

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