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March 21, 2019

ABNORMAL ATTRACTION Review – Nothing But a Good Time!

By Josh Millican

Starring: Leslie Easterbrook, Malcolm McDowell, Bruce Davison, Tyler Mane

Written by: Steven Della Salla, Jason Leavy, Michael Leavy

Directed by: Michael Leavy

Don’t give Abnormal Attraction a spin unless you’re ready to have a good time because, otherwise, you’re barking up the wrong tree. But if madcap, slapstick, adult-themed comedy set in a world populated by both humans and monsters sounds exciting, Abnormal Attraction is exactly what the Doctor ordered. It’s easy to suspect a reviewer might be going easy on an indie flick, so if you don’t believe me, perhaps the film’s growing boatload of accolades will impress you.

Abnormal Attraction took home trophies for Best Comedy Feature and Best Editing at the Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema; the film took the prize for Best SyFy at Hot Spring’s Horror Film Festival; at Hollywood South Film Festival, Abnormal Attraction won for Best Feature, Best Ensemble Cast, Best Supporting Actor (Jim Hanks), and Best Supporting Actress (Nicole Balsam); Bruce Davison took home Best Actor statues from the New York City Popup Film Festival and New York Film Tuesday Festival. A list of the film’s nominations is too long to print.

The point is, Abnormal Attraction is getting tons of positive buzz, and it’s worthy of your attention. Imagine a hybrid of Bight and Buffy the Vampire Slayer with constant, Robert Crumb-style sexual undertones. The film boasts a sizable cast of characters and, while the actors range from iconic (Davidson and Malcolm McDowell) to the as-yet-unknown, but everyone gives 100%. Have you ever watched a film and thought, “Damn, this must have been a pain in the ass to produce”? Abnormal Attraction was clearly a blast to make for everyone involved. If anything, you might wish you had been part of the fun!

It’s not scary or serious, and it’s filled with colorful characters, but Abnormal Attractions is not for the kiddies. The film’s premise is a twist on addition support groups where AA stands for (you guessed it) “Abnormal Attractions”. The humans we encounter all seem to have uncontrollable, amorous desires focused on the otherworldly. Anyone got a Leprechaun fetish? But underneath the fluff and blood, scatological humor and glamorized violence, there’s a heart and soul. I dare you not to get the feels when Bernie the Cyclops (played by Tyler Mane) becomes an outcast among outcasts before finding friendship in an unlikely ally. Hell, we even feel a twinge of sorrow for mean old Madam Hildie (Leslie Easterbrook) when we learn that she wasn’t born evil; rather her aversion to humans was born of a broken heart. The joy in Abnormal Attraction is realizing how alike we all are, whether we hail from different countries, represent different races, or even come from the realm of magical make-believe.

It’s also a sex-positive flick without being preachy or disrespectful. It’s more than just “to each his own”; Abnormal Attraction is a rallying cry to let your freak flag fly! It’s a celebration of diversity, where the connection between monster discrimination and racism doesn’t even need to be articulated (although it is, just in case anyone missed it). Just because it’s easy to digest doesn’t mean its weak sauce; Abnormal Attraction is an extravaganza of entertainment, one likely to find fans on both sides of the horror aisle.

If you’re in a bad mood, looking for something hardcore, or craving a serious meditation, look elsewhere. Abnormal Attraction is nothing but a good time, and if you have a problem with that, it sounds like a you-problem to me! I could pick apart the rough edges and/or convince myself that the film could have been better, but I simply enjoyed myself too fucking much. Besides, in a movie that’s ultimately about acceptance, player haters should stay at home. Fans of side-splitting, raunchy comedy, however, should put Abnormal Attraction on their must-watch lists immediately.

Tags: Abnormal Attraction Bruce Davison Leslie Easterbrook Malcolm McDowell Michael Leavy Tyler Mane