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January 13, 2009

First Look at Terminator: Salvation Comic Prequel

By Debi Moore

We first heard about IDW Publishing‘s plans for a Terminator: Salvation comic prequel back when the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con was in full swing, and now we’ve got more details along with a look at the cover of Issue #1.

The Terminator: Salvation prequel was written by Dara Naraghi with art by Alan Robinson and cover by Nick Runge. It pushes the timeline of the franchise past Judgment Day and into all-new territory, allowing for stories and visuals previously only hinted at on film. The series takes the core concept of the Terminator films and gives it a more global scope, showing not just John Connor but other humans as well who are either trying to survive or are actively part of the resistance.

Writer Dara Naraghi says he was interested in exploring new themes—not just the action of a monumental battle, but also the game of basic survival the characters find themselves facing in such a war-torn and desolate future.

McG’s Terminator: Salvation hits theaters on May 22nd, 2009. Make sure you’re ready by clicking here to pre-order a copy of the Terminator: Salvation prequel from Evilshop!

Debi Moore

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Tags: IDW Publishing Prequels Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins