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August 27, 2008

Domain of the Damned Comes to DVD

By Johnny Butane

A few months ago a friend of mine handed me a copy of a movie called Domain of the Damned, directed by Stacy Davidson. At the time I had no idea who Stacy Davidson was, but the movie sounded cool enough so I gave it a shot.

I was very impressed with what Davidson accomplished with very little money and a small time frame, but for some reason I never sat down and reviewed the movie. Laziness? Perhaps. Distraction? Most assuredly. But it’s all right, I can redeem myself now because Domain of the Damned is finally on DVD!

The film is a bit hard to describe, but essentially it’s about all hell breaking loose during a live radio broadcast at a backwoods freakshow. Davidson explains it best. “I wanted a little of everything”, he said in a press release, “It’s a gothic horror, it’s a monster movie, it’s slasher film, you’ve got zombies, you have a supernatural element and a roller coaster climax with an enormous creature inspired by the animalistic ghost-beast at the end of Poltergeist”.

Indeed it has all that and more; you’ll be surprised how good it looks considering its budget. The DVD is being self-distributed (for now) and comes with a slew of features including commentary by the director, commentary by the crew, a “making of” documentary, and a lot more.

Check out some new pics from the film below as well as the trailer, and then head on over to Odyssee Pictures’ site to check the disc out. Look for a full DVD review (I promise!) very soon!

Johnny Butane

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Tags: Domain of the Damned Freaks Stacy Davidson