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September 12, 2014

New Fatal Frame Trailer Puts The Horror in Your Face

By Scott Dell

Nintendo released a new trailer today for the upcoming Fatal Frame game. While showing off a few creative monsters, the trailer revealed the use of the game pad’s screen as a camera. To dispel enemies, players will have to hold up the game pad to eye level to take a photograph.

This is an ingenious move by developers as it causes players to go against their natural instincts.

Self-preservation dictates that one would want to be as far away from the danger as possible. But developers are forcing gamers to place the game pad, and thus the terror, right in front of their faces.

This is sure to add an extra element to jump scares as the horror is much more immediate.

The trailer also shows that players will have to tilt the game pad to varying degrees to deal maximum damage to enemies.

The new Fatal Frame is set to be released in Japan on September 27th under the title Zero: The Black Haired Shrine Maiden. There is no word on a North American release.

Tags: Fatal Frame Fatal Frame: The Black-Haired Shrine Maiden Featured Post Nintendo Wii U