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March 28, 2008

AVP Comics on Your Drive

By Johnny Butane

Remember when the title Alien Vs. Predator didn’t elicit a slight gag reflex? I do, back when it was a comic book series that we only hoped would make it to the screen someday. Careful what you wish for.

If you need to relive those days or just find out why the crossover was so cool to begin with, look no further than IGN’s Direct 2 Drive service, which was just loaded up with all of Dark Horse’s Alien, Predator and Alien Vs. Predator issues!

For just $1.99 an issue, you can get the entire comic, cover and all, directly onto your computer to enjoy at your leisure. Just click here to start downloading them and reveling in monster goodness!

If that’s not enough AVP action for ya, be sure to check out Dark Horse’s recently launched AVP Zone, where you’ll find musings, interviews, news and more things AVP-related.

Johnny Butane

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