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March 14, 2008

Fatal Frame 4 Headed to Wii

By plagiarize

I should have written this ages ago. Back in January Nintendo and Tecmo announced that Fatal Frame 4 will be coming exclusively to the Nintendo Wii. The Japanese subtitle translates to ?Mask of the Lunar Eclipse? which doesn?t tell us very much.

Still despite thinking it wasn?t enough news to run a story on, I?ve been told I was wrong and not to make stupid decisions like that again.

The game will be directed by Shibata Makoto, who directed all the other games in the series, and produced by Keisuke Kikuchi, who produced all the other games in the series. If you?re looking for a reason to jump into the series if it hasn?t really appealed to you so far, news that Suda Goichi (aka Suda 51) is also taking on some directing titles might pique your interest.

While he will no doubt defer his ideas to the series stalwarts Makoto and Kikuchi, the creative nutcase that came up with Killer 7 and No More Heroes is almost guaranteed to bring something new to the table.

Soon as we know how it?s shaping up, I won?t hesitate to fill you all in. No really, I won?t.


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