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October 23, 2007

Pinhead on Hellraiser

By Johnny Butane

We’ve heard from Clive about the Hellraiser remake, as well as the team behind it, Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo (“Hellraiser Remake Talk” – October 2007) but what about Pinhead himself?

For that, we have to head on over to Playboy.com, where they just posted a brand-new interview with Doug Bradley, an interview that was conducted about one hour after Bradley found out about the remake. How’s that for timing? And his thoughts on a reinvention of cenobites?

”I have no idea whether anybody intends I will be involved in it, but I will do it again like a shot.” he told the magazine, ”If it involved taking different beats with Pinhead, that would also be fine by me. I think there are lots of areas that we never looked and never went to. History is not on my side with remakes that don’t intend to use original cast. You know, if it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen—and I wish it absolutely nothing but good, if I’m involved or not.”

He goes on to make some down right hilarious comments about The Omen remake that you should read, but the overall gist he’s all for the remake on any level. Obviously we’re hoping Bustill and Maury will be kind enough to at least give him a cameo, since out of makeup he really is a great actor, but that remains to be seen.

Check out the entire interview to read Doug’s thoughts on makeup, the fans and the upcoming death of Pinhead at the hands of Clive Barker, and keep it here for more updates on the new Hellraiser soon!

Johnny Butane

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