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January 19, 2024

Mike Flanagan Recommends This Wicked Found Footage Film on Netflix: “Watching this movie is like feeling a beartrap slowly close around your neck”

By Tyler Doupe'

Mike Flanagan has put several exceptional features on my radar that I likely wouldn’t have seen otherwise. Whether he’s sharing recommendations via social media posts, interviews, or various other delivery methods, the celebrated creator always demonstrates impeccable taste. In fact, every one of his suggestions that I have tracked down to date has been a winner. With a track record like that, it’s no surprise that we are back with another recommendation from the Doctor Sleep director.

This latest recommendation comes courtesy of Rotten Tomatoes. During lockdown, Flanagan shared a handful of overlooked indie horror recommendations with the outlet. And among his picks was the found footage chiller, Creep.

Mike Flanagan has the following to say about Creep:

“Patrick Brice and Mark Duplass are magicians to me. In addition to sharing writing duties, Brice directs, and both give amazing performances in one of the most wicked, fun, unsettling found-footage films I’ve ever seen. Watching this movie is like feeling a beartrap slowly close around your neck, and being unable — or unwilling — to free yourself before the final blow. And if you think the name “Peachfuzz” isn’t necessarily terrifying, well … think again. Followed by a sequel that is — no lie — just as good.”

That’s quite the endorsement, indeed. If you’re curious to check Creep out after hearing Flanagan’s take, you’re in luck. The flick is currently streaming on Netflix.

Creep sees “a young videographer answer an online ad for a one-day job in a remote town to record the last messages of a dying man. When he notices the man’s odd behavior, he starts to question his intentions.”

Stay tuned to the site for more recommendations from the masters as we discover them. And be sure to follow @DreadCentral on Twitter for all the latest in genre film.

Tags: Creep found footage Mike Flanagan Netflix