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April 20, 2012

The Last Exorcism II Gets a Title

By Steve Barton
Source Name:

Know the Artist

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So what’s in a name? A lot if you read into it, and the title of the recently announced R-rated follow-up to the 2010 PG-13 film The Last Exorcism screams all kinds of craziness. Read on!

Website “Know the Artist” just posted up an audition sheet for the film with the moniker The Beginning of the End: The Last Exorcism II emblazoned across the top of it. Temporary title or will it stick? We’ll find out soon enough. Thanks to DC reader Josh for the heads-up!

The sequel is said to pick up three months after the original left off, but of course further details are being kept under wraps. Production is set in New Orleans, and delivery is expected in late 2012.

Look for more soon!

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Tags: Ashley Bell Damien Chazelle Ed Gass-Donnelly The Last Exorcism