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November 26, 2019

Director Admits TERMINATOR: DARK FATE Should Have Had A Female Writer Or Two

By Mike Sprague

Director Tim Miller’s Terminator: Dark Fate opened earlier this month … and hasn’t been doing so hot at the box-office. And today Miller says that it was probably a mistake not having any female writers involved with the female-led new entry.

When asked by The Business podcast why none of the film’s writers were women, Miller replied:

Yes. You’re right. You’re probably right. Although I will say that, at the time we had the scripts, it wasn’t three female leads. It was a blank slate. We hadn’t even when we picked the writers, even Linda hadn’t decided to come back. So we didn’t know what it was. I wish that, in hindsight, yeah, we should have had a woman there, or two.”

For the record, Terminator: Dark Fate sports six credited writers, including James Cameron, David Goyer, Justin Rhodes, Charles H. Eglee, Josh Friedman, and Billy Ray. And Miller says the writers’ room should have had a woman “or two.”

He adds:

This is one thing I’ve been trying to clear up. Because you look at that, and it does look like there’s a lot of writers. But there weren’t. We did a writers’ room with all of these writers, they were gonna write the second and third script of a planned trilogy. So they were all in the room breaking story, but they didn’t actually — Josh Friedman didn’t actually write on these scripts. And David Goyer has a writing partner, Justin Rhodes, so Justin and David wrote the first draft, and Billy Ray wrote the second. And then Jim wrote a few scenes. And then, you know.”

What did you think of James Cameron and Tim Miller’s Terminator: Dark Fate? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!

Tags: Terminator Dark Fate Tim Miller