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September 6, 2007

‘Zine Review: Rue Morgue #71

By Johnny Butane

Issue #71
September 2007

Who doesn’t love punk? And who doesn’t love zombies? 22 years ago, Dan O’Bannon combined the two in one of the most badass zombie movies ever put to film; Return of the Living Dead. To celebrate the forthcoming “director’s cut” DVD release, Rue Morgue sat down with O’Bannon, star Linnea Quigley, Allan “Tarman” Trautman and Dinah Cancer of 45 Graves to reminisce on zombies, punk, and full frontal nudity!

The O’Bannon interview is a good one, of course, with the man recollecting on the film’s origins and his influences in bringing it to the big screen. He lays out what he would’ve done differently had he been slated to direct from the get go (originally Tobe Hopper was in the chair), which would’ve made it a very different movie on every level, and why the upcoming DVD has nothing to do with his vision. A damn fine read!

The rest of the interviews are quick and to the point, basically just the characters going over where they were in their lives when the film happened and it’s influence on their careers since, with the Dinah Cancer one actually being the most interesting, considering the original version of “Party Time” had nothing at all to do with the undead.

A very informative and intelligent article on the lost art of death photography follows, which is chock full of images that are likely to disturb even the most hardcore horror fans since all the dead bodies in these pics are real. It really gives perspective on how much our society has changed in regards to our views on death and the dying in the last hundred years.

We go from real death to over the top gore as John Bowen sits down with Adam Green to chat about Hatchet (in theaters TOMORROW!). There’s nothing in here you’ve probably not heard before if you’ve been following the movie, but their timing really couldn’t be better for pure hype value.

A quick rundown of the highlights of this year’s Fantasia follows, as does a great article about the new submerged shooter >Bioshock, and a look at the latest book in Jeff Lindsay’s Dexter series, which as you know was the basis for the Showtime hit “Dexter”.

Review highlights include a tearing down of Wrong Turn 2: Dead End (review) not because it’s positive, cause it’s really not, but because it will give future viewers a more balanced look at the DTV sequel, and they really make me want to see I Know Who Killed Me in a way other reviews I’ve read have not.

Other good bits this issue are Chris Alexander’s always entertaining column, which focuses on a never-seen horror flick called Chosen Survivors that’s finally coming to DVD this fall, Gary Butler’s look at very cool sounding new comic called Worry Doll, a trip to Philadelphia’s Eastern State Penitentiary (haunted attraction now, museum for the rest of the year), and the first-ever printed review of the debut CD from my band, Viper Rash; “Big Problems”! It’s actually the lowest-scored music review in this issue, but it’s still cool to see some feedback from a source that isn’t friends or family.

And I would be remiss not to mention the “Classic Cuts” article this month, which sees Chris Alexander taking a look back at Chas. Balun’s influential horror magazine “Deep Red”. Usually this column is devoted to old films or obscure novels, so it’s nice to see them changing things up for once.

Rue Morgue #71 is on stands now, so don’t dilly-dally! Or just hit the official Rue Morgue site to get your subscription today!

Johnny Butane

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