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May 7, 2019

Video: Some of the Wildest Horror Movie Fan Theories That Just Might Be True

By Josh Millican

Horror movie fan theories: I love them. The fact that some films keep us thinking, theorizing, and hypothesizing for years after we first saw them really illustrates the power of cinema to engage and inspire. I’ve explored a ton of horror movie fan theories, and pretty much figured I’d heard them all. But our friends at Grunge just released a video with some doozies!

Does The Texas Chainsaw Massacre have an animal rights, pro-vegetarian agenda? Was Curt (played by Chris Hemsworth) assisting the secret organization in The Cabin in the Woods? Was there a third killer in Wes Craven’s original Scream—and who could he (or she) have been? Does Freddy Krueger absorb the powers and abilities of those he murders in the dream realm? What if there are actually two different aliens in John Carpenter’s The Thing—and they’re at war with one another?

And speaking of John Carpenter, what if Sam Loomis from Psycho (played by John Gavin) and Sam Loomis from Halloween (played by Donald Pleasence) are actually the same person? What if “The Crawlers” from The Descent were simply products of Sarah’s twisted psyche—and she actually killed everybody? What if first-time writer/director Oren Peli made a deal with a demon to ensure that Paranormal Activity would be a success—and all of the supernatural happenings captured on film are authentic? What if “Captain Howdy” aka Pazuzu from The Exorcist was watching Father Karras the entire time in order to harass and manipulate him? What if Ash went insane in the first two Evil Dead movies and Army of Darkness (and everything that followed) is simply an insane fantasy?

Give the video embedded at the top of the article for some very convincing arguments that suggest some (if not many) of these fan theories are true.

Which of these fan theories do you find most plausible? What do you think are the most outlandish? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!

Tags: Army of Darkness Horror Fan Theories Paranormal Activity Scream texas chainsaw massacre The Cabin in the Woods The Descent The Exorcist The Thing