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February 13, 2019

David Lynch Once Directed a PlayStation 2 Advertisement and it’s About What You’d Expect

By Jonathan Barkan

The best-selling console of all time, Sony’s PlayStation 2 was a behemoth in console gaming. With over 150 million units sold and nearly 4,000 games created for the platform, the PS2 originally released in 2000 and new models were produced until the beginning of January 2013, marking a 12+ year run for the system, which is almost unheard of.

Prior to its release, Sony wanted to herald the arrival of their since-ubiquitous system. And what better way to do that than to have a series of advertisements created that would try and entice people into giving it a shot. Obviously, they worked. But one commercial certainly stands out from the rest, as it was directed by none other than Twin Peaks, Lost Highway, Blue Velvet, and Mulholland Drive director David Lynch!

A surreal mindfuck that gathers a series of hypnotically odd vignettes, Lynch’s advertisement, called “Welcome to the Third Space”, follows a man as he walks through a hallway. Smoke pours from pipes, women float past windows, arms appear out of mouths, and there’s a talking duck. Were it anyone besides Lynch, this would seem wildly out of place. Since it’s him, it’s par for the course.

Check out the commercial above and then watch a making of below to see what went into making this strange set piece. Also, it’s just a joy to hear David Lynch say, “This is so fucking beautiful!”

Tags: David Lynch Featured Post Lost Highway Playstation Sony Twin Peaks