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July 31, 2007

Aquatic Carnivore Battle Royale!

By Foywonder

Now here’s some news that fills me with joy. That this news has nothing to do with the Sci-Fi Channel fills me with even more joy…

STYD has exclusive news on a yet untitled movie in the early stages over at Material Entertainment, who will be producing it for New Line Cinema, that might give Snakes on a Plane (another New Line production) a run for its money in the nature gone amok movie subgenre. Currently referred to simply as Untitled Croc vs. Shark project, as you can guess, the movie will have sharks battling crocodiles. Oh, and some people get in the way too.

Writer John Rubin’s concept revolves around a small Australian town, flooded in the wake of a natural disaster, that suddenly finds itself swarming with hungry sharks and crocodiles.

Australia? Heck, you could just as easily set it in New Orleans in the days after Hurricane Katrina. Ah, well…

It’s actually kind of funny when you consider this is getting the greenlight, and yet, Steve Alten has yet to be able to get Meg off the ground – even over at New Line.

The Foywonder

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