Categories: Letter From the Editor News
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February 1, 2018

Letter From the Editor – February 2018

By Steve Barton

Hey, kids! It’s your old Uncle Creepy here, and as Editor-in-Chief of Dread Central, I thought it’d be a cool idea to give you all a monthly State of the Union, if you will. You can expect these the first of every month and other cool things each week. Let’s bring you up-to-speed!

The first week of every month you cats will get an editorial from me talking about… well… whatever weirdness happens to be floating about in my brain at the moment. I’ll look at upcoming releases, upcoming events, and all the things you need to keep yer eyes wide open for.

The second week of every month we plan on giving you a Dread Central Presents update! These are exciting times for us, man! As of this writing we have several flicks available on Amazon Prime and have already seen the first of our special theatrical engagements. I cannot even begin to describe the sense of pride I’m filled with every time I see the words “Dread Central Presents” leading off a film. This has been a long time coming, and BIG thanks to Epic Pictures for helping us make this a reality! So, very cool, and we hope you’re as excited as we are. Hint: You definitely should be!

During the third week of every month we’re gonna give you an update of what’s going on and going in the Box of Dread! No, we won’t be giving away any surprises, but we’re definitely planning on keeping you cats in the know by providing updates, hints, and all manner of hijinx.

Finally, in the fourth week of the month, you can expect a letter from our Managing Editor and my better (deader?) half, Jonathan Barkan. He’ll be letting you in on what’s going on content-wise, and he’ll also catch you up on what you may have missed as well as what’s ahead.

All of these updates will be brief as we living in a TLDR society that’s looking for daily doses of meat for the beast. That being said, there are many cool things on the horizon, and there’s no easier way to keep you up-to-date than with this new monthly plan alongside all of your other favorite horror-related shenanigans.

Settle in… turn down the lights, and as Romero would say…

Stay scared!

– Creepy

Tags: Box of Dread dread presents Featured Post