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June 27, 2007

Rogue Finds a Lost Squad

By Johnny Butane

Rogue Pictures must either consist of a lot of hip motherfuckers making the decisions, or guys who just know a good pitch when they hear it. The studio that will (someday soon, we hope) be bringing you the film adaptation of Hack/Slash have added another cool comic to their film roster; Chris Kriby’s Lost Squad, also a Devil’s Due title.

Lost Squad is about a gang of highly specialized soldiers trained to not only beat the crap out of Hitler and his soldiers during the darkest days of WWII, but also to deal with the freaky supernatural and occult-oriented roadblocks Adolf keeps putting in their way.

The plan, according to the announcement in Variety, is to create something akin to the visual style of 300, something that should a blast for the duo of St. Leger and James Mather, best known for their 15-minute action-filled short “Prey Alone”. The pair will both write and direct.

Keep it here for more on The Lost Squad as we learn it, and be sure to click here to get the first Lost Squad trade through Evilshop!

Johnny Butane

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