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June 9, 2007

New Etruscan Mask Details/Pics!

By Johnny Butane

Got a heads up today about a new interview that was posted over on the Italian horror site Splattercontainer (for some reason I really dig that name), conducted with Subspecies madman Ted Nicolaou about his latest endeavor, The Etruscan Mask.

For those unaware, Etruscan Mask is about a group of art students who gather in Italy to study ancient artifacts, unaware that they’re actually going to be chosen between as the new human host for the demon Thonos by a wealthy antique collector. A group working within the city that keeps the mysteries of an ancient cult alive os behind the insanities, and from the looks of some of the images Splattercontainer got their hands on (one of which is to your right), it’s a messy affair, indeed.

Click here for the Ted Nicolaou interview (scroll down the page for the English version) in which Nicolaou discusses the origins of Etruscan and gives some details about a possible new Subspecies entry as well!

Johnny Butane

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Tags: Art Demons Subspecies Ted Nicolaou