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February 5, 2011

Motion Picture Purgatory: Evil Dead II

By Debi Moore

The debate still rages to this day among horror fans whether Evil Dead II is better than its predecessor, Evil Dead, but no one can deny the sequel/remake is a hilarious, sophisticated slapstick send-up of the terror genre. Which is why Trembles is revisiting it this week with his colorized version of the original Motion Picture Purgatory he created back in 1987 when the film first came out.

Sam Raimi takes every horror convention that exists and exaggerates it with mind-blowing special effects, crossed with mocking Three Stooges humor. The plot alone is a genre cliché right out of any number of horror films: Several teens (including our hero, Ash, played by Bruce Campbell in a manic tour-de-force of physical comedy) visit a broken-down cottage in the woods miles from civilization, find a copy of the Book of the Dead, and unleash supernatural powers that gut every character in sight. All, that is, except Ash, who takes this very personally and spends much of the film getting his head smashed while battling the unseen forces. Raimi uses this bare-bones story as a stage to showcase dazzling special effects and eye-popping visuals, including some of the most spectacular point-of-view Steadicam work ever (done by Peter Deming).

Note: Since this is an older MPP, it’s a different size and much more detailed than what Trembles is doing now so be sure to click the below image for the full-size version.

Necronomicon Ex-Mortis Apotheosis!

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Tags: Bruce Campbell Evil Dead II Sam Raimi