Categories: Horror Gaming News
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January 18, 2017

A Special Message for Dread Central from Resident Evil 7

By Ted Hentschke

As much as I toil for hours a day under the hot office lights and overpowering cat smell of the Dread Central offices, you’ll be shocked to find out I don’t actually live there. Yes, away from the shelves upon shelves of novelty memorabilia and Blu-rays, I have a humble little home with my own modest pile of memorabilia and cat smell.

Most of our promotional material gets shipped to the office; it’s very rare that something actually comes directly to my doorstep. So I was surprised when the other morning, I found this at my door:

I opened the box before I realized I should probably take pictures of it. I’m like a kid on Christmas, sorry.

The return address was for a Hazmat, Inc., giving me little indication as to the purpose of the package. Now as fond as I am of opening suspicious fragile packages from companies named after a classification of dangerous waste disposal, I was beginning to get a “cursed or maybe covered in Anthrax” vibe.

Ah well, we all make sacrifices for our careers, and I’m nothing if not a dedicated manchild reviewing movies and games for internet people who call me a “cucklord.” Actually seeing what was inside did nothing to dissuade my “cursed” sentiments:

Oh awesome, no way this is haunted.
Yup, nothing spooky here.
Definitely not getting murdered by a ghost tonight!

It actually took me a bit of time to get it all hooked up. I mean, I wasn’t scared or anything, honest. I love being cursed as much as the next guy. But really, when was the last time you set up a VHS player? I didn’t even realize I had to switch back to “TV” mode and off of my cable U-verse thingy. Hey, I watch movies; I never claimed to be a tech wizard.

When I did finally hook up the RCA cables to the hidden port on the side of my flat screen, I planned out what I’d do with the remaining seven days of my life and popped it in. Here’s what I saw:

So yeah, if you haven’t figured it out yet, this is all some pretty cool promotional stuff for the upcoming video game Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. It’s pretty rare that a company puts this much care into their promotions, especially for a video game, so color me impressed.

In case you somehow didn’t know, the game releases on the 24th on PC, Xbox One, and PS4. The demo Beginning Hour is already available, so check it out if you just can’t wait. As for me, I’ve already gotten a chance to play through, so check back as soon as the embargo lifts on the 23rd for my full review. This is certainly one that you do not want to miss.

Tags: Capcom Resident Evil Resident Evil 7 biohazard VHS