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August 10, 2016

Jesus Christ Opens His Eyes in The Gasp Menagerie

By Steve Barton

I remember when I first saw the trailer for Exorcist III. One of the most startling moments found within it was a moment when a statue of a crucified Jesus Christ opened his eyes. I can still hear the crowd gasping around me.

The footage was filmed inside the Chapel of Saltillo in Mexico’s state of Coahuila de Zaragoza and shows the figure quickly opening its eyes and then seeming to slam its eyes shut.

UPDATE: The clip has since been debunked by paranormal investigators as having been doctored.

Take a look, and tell us what you think. Optical illusion? Doctored video? Something else? We’ll have an update on the story from Mr. Dark during tonight’s episode of Brainwaves.

Explore The Gasp Menagerie!

Have a weird story? Potential evidence of the supernatural, or at least something hard to explain? Spot any creepy critters out there roaming the wilds? LET US KNOW! I’d love to talk about it and possibly write it up right here in the Gasp Menagerie. Of course, you’ll get appropriate credit, and everyone else will get fresh creepiness to enjoy.

Tags: Religious Horror The Gasp Menagerie