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June 14, 2010

First Trailer, Info and Artwork: I Didn’t Come Here to Die

By Steve Barton

Okay, so the week is off to a shaky start. The studios are up to their usual antics trying to find the next property to remake while making ludicrous casting choices and a movie called The Karate Kid is tops at the box office despite the fact that Jackie Chan teaches the younger Smith Kung Fu instead of Karate. Leave it to the indie filmmakers to inject a much needed dosage of sanity into the mix.

Below you’ll find the first artwork and trailer for Bradley Scott Sullivan’s new slasher flick I Didn’t Come Here to Die starring Emmy Robbin, Niko Red Star, Indiana Adams, and Kurt Cole. Do yourself a favor — spend just a couple of minutes watching the trailer and cleanse yourself of all the stupidity. Bless your black heart, Mr. Sullivan.

I Didn’t Come Here to Die tells the story of six young volunteers working on a humanitarian project in the woods. Horrific accidents, rash decisions, and the unpredictability of human nature lead them all to the same disturbing conclusion — Volunteer work can be killer.

For a bit more dig on the official I Didn’t Come Here to Die website.

Uncle Creepy

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Tags: Bradley Scott Sullivan I Didn't Come Here to Die