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June 13, 2016

E3 2016: Wolfenstein: New Colossus Teased by Bethesda

By David Gelmini

We’re going to take this one with an extra big grain of salt…

During Bethesda’s E3 press conference, they briefly displayed a cmd.exe screen listing some of the games in the franchises that they own. And lo and behold, listed among them was Wolfenstein: New Colossus. So yeah, it looks like we’ve got the name of the next Wolfenstein game on our hands.

This was the only mention of it during the entire press conference, but it seems unlikely that they’d just throw it out there for no reason. So yeah, we’ll keep you updated on Wolfenstein: New Colossus as soon as we know more.

Tags: Bethesda E3 E3 2016 Wolfenstein