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March 23, 2016

Rockstar’s Manhunt Slaughters Its Way Onto PS4

By David Gelmini

Put on your knuckledusters and sharpen your knives, because it’s time for some ultra-violence! Rockstar’s extremely controversial 2003 title Manhunt, which is probably best described as an interactive snuff movie, is now available on PS4.

The game caused a media frenzy when it was originally released, with the SJW’s of the time demanding that it be banned because of how horrible it was and how it would encourage young people to commit crimes etc, which the mainstream media lapped up, and the game still remains banned in some areas. This is despite the fact that A) a ton of studies have proven there to be no correlation between playing violent video games and committing violent acts, and B) the game clearly has a high age rating, so if young people do play it, it’s the fault of the parents for letting them, not the people who made the game. The controversy would then escalate even further when Manhunt 2 later became one of only very few games to have been temporarily banned in the UK.

So if you haven’t yet had the chance to experience the horrific ordeal of death row inmate James Earl Cash, as he is forced to partake in sick and twisted games conjured up by an insane snuff director (marvellously voiced by Golden Globe nominated actor Brian Cox), then head over to the PS Store to give it a go, and let’s keep our fingers crossed that the sequel makes it on there at some point to. The Jack Thompson’s of the world can suck it.

They just killed Cash. Now, they want to kill him again.

America is full of run down, broken rust-belt towns where nobody cares and anything goes. In Carcer City, nothing matters anymore and all that’s left are cheap thrills. The ultimate rush is the power to grant life and take it away, for sport. This time James Earl Cash, you are the sport. They gave you your life back. Now, they are going to hunt you down.

You awake to the sound of your own panicked breath. You must run, hide and fight to survive. If you can stay alive long enough, you may find out who did this to you.

This is a brutal blood sport.

Experience Manhunt for PS2™ with full 1080p up-rendering and enhanced features such as Trophies, Share Play, Remote Play, Activity Feeds and Second Screen support for game manuals with PS Vita or PS App.

Tags: Manhunt Rockstar Games