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January 20, 2010

UK Due a Long Weekend This February

By Steve Barton

Unfortunately, no, this isn’t an announcement that all UK readers get an extra day off work next month, but lovers of Mother Nature can at least rejoice as Showbox Home Entertainment will release Jamie (Urban Legend, Storm Warning) Blanks’ eco-horror remake Long Weekend (previously titled Nature’s Grave in the US) to DVD on February 8th.

Starring Jim Caviezel and Claudia Karvan, the synopsis is as follows:

When unhappily married and recently estranged city couple Peter (Caviezel) and Carla (Karvan) set off for a long weekend camping in a remote but picturesque spot on Austalia’s North Coast with Peter’s friend Luke and his girlfriend, they are hoping that a few days of sun, surf and solitude will help heal their marital wounds. After getting lost in the dark and spending an uncomfortable night in their car, Peter and Carla awake to find themselves parked mere yards from their intended destination and, despite the mysterious non-arrival of Luke and his partner, set up camp. In stereotypical city folk style they immediately begin to show a complete disregard for their beautiful, untouched environment by nonchalantly discarding rubbish, breaking glass, chopping live trees for firewood and taking pot shots at the wildlife.

As the weekend progresses and their personal relationship deteriorates ever further, they become increasingly aware of an unseen, almost malevolent force of nature acting against them. But are the bizarre occurrences they witness merely coincidental events whose effects are heightened by the couple’s isolation or is something else at work?

The Special Features in this two-disc set include: Director’s Production Diary; Interview Gallery (Claudia Karvan; Everett De Roche; Tobey Eggleston); Deleted Scene (Jim and the Ducks); ‘Making of’ featurette; ‘Taming the Wild’ featurette; Peter’s Death – Behind the Scenes with Grant Page and Roger Ward; English 2.0 and 5.1 audio options; chapter selection; trailer.

Check out the cover art and the UK trailer below!

Gareth Jones

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