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February 17, 2016

Doug Bradley Talks New Hellraiser Film

By Steve Barton

Updated: Heather Langenkamp Starring in New Hellraiser Movie; Filming Now

There are MANY reasons to love Doug Bradley. From his unforgettable roles as some of this genre’s most popular figures to the way he fearlessly speaks his mind. The man is a class act, and he just opened up about a new Hellraiser movie on his Facebook page!

Read on for the skinny!


“Ladies, Gentlemen and Others,
I gather word is beginning to spread about the new Hellraiser movie which is, apparently, already shooting.
First, a point of clarification. This is the first time I have said anything about this. Anything else you have heard me say about any proposed Hellraiser film refers to the constantly rumored remake. And, for the record, I still know nothing about that.
First I heard about this new film was around Christmas in a phone call from Gary Tunnicliffe, who was my make-up artist on Bloodline through Hellworld. Gary, you may recall, also wrote the screenplay for Revelations. He has written and is directing this new effort. I can also assert, contrary to some rumours I’ve already seen, that Clive Barker is not involved with this in any way, shape or form.
Gary said he would send me a copy of the script when he had completed a second draft, but before I could be allowed to set eyes on the precious document, I was required to sign a gagging order. This was a three page document preventing me from talking about the script ‘in restrooms’, ‘on elevators’, ‘in restaurants’ or ‘in cellular telephone conversations which may be overheard’. There was also dark reference to ‘people talking out of turn at conventions’. I read this thing in disbelief, and informed Gary I would not be signing it.
And that’s that. Clearly, I am deemed too much of a security risk to be allowed to read a Hellraiser script. People are starving to death in Syria and they’re worried about me talking about a Hellraiser movie? Get a fucking grip. Can you say ‘sense of proportion’?
Anyway, story short: a new movie is happening and I have nothing do with it. I was unable to make a decision about it because I was not allowed to read the script, unlike Revelations where I made a conscious decision not to do the movie based on the motives for making it and the poor quality of the script.

And that’s everything.”

Peace and Pain

Posted by Doug Bradley on Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Here’s the thing… if Hellraiser: Revelations has taught us ANYTHING AT ALL… it’s that A) you should never try to make a Hellraiser movie in two weeks with the budget of a TV commercial, and B) without Doug Bradley, the much beloved character of Pinhead does not work. Can someone pay attention to this please?

We’ll dig up more on this latest film in the franchise ASAP! Stay tuned!

Tags: Doug Bradley Hellraiser