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September 25, 2015

Attack on Titan Meets Godzilla in New Fan-Made Film

By David Gelmini

With the disappointment of the Attack on Titan live-action films, it falls to the fans to do the series justice. And what better way to do that than by having the giants go up against Godzilla? Clash of the Titans indeed!

Well, okay, the short ends before they actually do get to fight, with the promise of the story being continued. But as this installment took quite a while to produce (and it shows), we could have to wait a while to see if the King of the Monsters really is a match for the Titans.

And seeing as Shinji Higuchi directed both the Attack on Titan live-action flicks and the new Godzilla picture, this short is actually more relevant than you might think. Maybe Toho will even make an official crossover if they feel that they want cash in on the new Godzilla vs. King Kong movieā€¦

Tags: Attack on Titan Godzilla