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July 9, 2009

Haunted Box of Shadows?

By Steve Barton

There’s not a horror fan out there who’s not intrigued by the prospect of real cases of things that go bump in the night. Sometimes said things can come in some really unexpected places. At least that seems to be the story from those associated with the brand new production of Box of Shadows, which is currently filming in LA.

We got this press release a bit ago, and rather than extrapolate, I think this one should be run as is. Dig it!

“BURBANK, CA (July 6, 2009) – An intricate mechanical coffin acquired at an estate sale for use in the upcoming supernatural thriller BOX OF SHADOWS has plagued the movie with many problems.

The coffin, believed to date back to the 15th Century, comes complete with an integrated music box. “I acquired it because I thought it would make a great prop for a movie,” said director Mauro Borrelli. “Later I wrote BOX OF SHADOWS around the idea that the life-size music box would put its victim in a comatose state so they could have an out-of-body experience. However, it has affected the set in unusual ways.”

“It all started the week the coffin was brought to the office. First people were arriving late, and then electronics began to malfunction. We started having problems getting our funds wired, our lead actress suffered a detached retina and had to drop out,” said associate Producer Vincent Rocca, “but the real kicker was late one night I heard noises coming from the coffin’s storage room. I investigated and found nothing, but when I shut the door, I heard music notes coming from inside the room. My hair rose and I bolted from the building.”

The following day the musical mechanism was removed from the coffin; then it was taken to an off-site storage facility, where it was kept until shooting started on June 29, 2009.

“Day one of the set, after dealing with the coffin, I got into a car accident,” added lead actress Liz Fenning. “I’m a safe, slow driver too. So I must have picked up a vibe from that freaky coffin.”

“One thing is for sure; as soon as we wrap, I’m selling the coffin,”
concluded director Mauro Borrelli.”

So I ask you … publicity stunt or is this a genuine “holy shit get rid of that fuckin’ thing NOW” type situation? Tell us what you think below.

Fore more on the film check out Box of Shadows – The Official Site.

Uncle Creepy

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