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May 15, 2009

Title of the Week: Hot Blood Sundae

By Foywonder

If you’re going to make a slasher movie about the psychopathic proprietor of an adult ice cream shop then why not title the film Hot Blood Sundae? That way, even if the film proves awful, at least it has a memorable title.

A perverted ice cream shop owner, Ricky, boosts declining sales by renaming his shop, “Scoopettes,” and markets it as an adult ice cream store. But wait – what’s that? Eeeeek! There’s an eyeball staring up from the Virgin Vanilla! Remember! I Scream, You Scream, We all scream for – ICE CREAM!

Hot Blood Sundae is a remake (or “remix” as the webpage describes it) of a 1997 slasher flick titled Ice Scream that I must confess to being unfamiliar with. I’m not entirely sure if they did a total remake or remixed footage from the first film with new actresses and such. Those new actresses include Internet model Bobbi Billard, Playboy model Akira Lane, Maxim Magazine model Gelusa Zaripova, some woman named JoAnna, described as being “famous for Bad Girl’s Club and For the Love of Ray J”.

Vivendi Entertainment will serve us this Hot Blood Sundae on a DVD platter come August 4th. Extra toppings will include a photo gallery, behind the scenes features, interviews with cast members, and, in case you’re unsatisfied with the movie itself, you get a second movie from filmmaker Derek Zemrak entitled Bikini Planet. Can’t imagine what that other movie could possibly be about.

The Foywonder

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Tags: Slashers