| On
March 16, 2009

Exclusive: LVK Director Talks US Distro

By Steve Barton

With “>Lesbian Vampire Killers just a few days away from its opening in the UK on March 20th, the question on our minds has been, “What’s up with some Stateside distribution?” Well, good thing for us that our man from across the pond was able to catch up with director Phil Claydon to get the official word as of now.

“No distribution yet,” Claydon tells Dread. “All the big studios want it and they love it, Harvey Weinstein loves it, and they’re all just waiting to see how it does over here theatrically first. Believe it or not, the title is a hard sell in America.”

Imagine that if you will … something with lesbians being a hard sell. *shakes head*.

“>Click here or on image below for the entire interview!

Uncle Creepy

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Tags: Lesbian Vampire Killers Phil Claydon