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June 4, 2015

Jeffrey Dean Morgan Talks Returning to Supernatural

By Debi Moore

If you’re a regular visitor to the site, you probably noticed that several of us here at DC have been less than enamored with the past couple of seasons of “Supernatural,” but this bit of chatter we heard today from Jeffrey Dean Morgan (aka Papa John Winchester) has perked up our enthusiasm more than a little.

As the actor told Collider when asked about a possible return to the show, “I absolutely would love to go back. I haven’t been on the show for 10 years, and I get asked about it in every interview and every time I leave my house… They [the fans] want me back. I do this so that I can make people happy somehow. We do it for our fans, and that’s got such a great fan base that, of course, I want to go back. And I would love to have some resolution for that character and his sons.”

He touched on his relationship with Jensen and Jared, “…Jensen, especially, is like a brother to me. I know he’s my son on the show, but we’ve become very, very good friends. Jared, too… For me, I think it would be so cool to go back and have him [Jensen] direct me. That would be great. I’m proud of them. They’re my sons, and I do look at them in a fatherly way, even though Jensen is like my brother…”

But it has to make sense story-wise, “I would love to go back and work with them again if the opportunity comes. But in saying that, I don’t want it to be a forced deal. I want it to be natural, and I want it to make sense for the story. I would love for John Winchester to have some way to say goodbye, not only to his sons, but to the fan base who seems to be clamoring for him to come back. We’ll see, but I hope. I can’t say, ‘I’ll do the last year,’ because I don’t see an end in sight. But I love them, and I’d love to go do a good, solid arc. I don’t want to just do a hit-and-run. I want to go back and do three [episodes] and really get into that world again. It would be great.”

GREAT indeed!  Powers-that-be, make this happen please!

Tags: Horror TV Jared Padalecki Jeffrey Dean Morgan Jensen Ackles Supernatural