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December 28, 2018

Winter HorrorLand: Dread Central’s 31-Day Movie Challenge for January 2019

By Josh Millican

It’s been half a year since we started something new here at Dread Central: Monthly, themed horror movie challenges. You know what I’m talking about; those lists of daily genre flicks that are a staple of the Halloween season. We didn’t know why monthly movie challenges were, for the most part, confined to October—especially since horror fans live every day like it’s Halloween!

Our first #MonthOfDread had a Horror Heatwave theme for July. It was followed Aquatic TerrorsBack to SchoolEvery Day is HalloweenNovember of the Living Dead, and (most recently) we bid farewell to Year 2018 with an apocalyptic The End is Nigh challenge! This translates to over 180 films in six months, and if you think we’re losing steam, think again!

The excitement of a New Year is always tempered by a pervasive chill as Winter tightens her icy grip across the Northern Hemisphere. In honor of the stormy weather headed our way, January’s #MonthOfDread 31-day horror challenge is Winter HorrorLand! We’ll be celebrating films that bring the chills, literally and figuratively, set against bleak and snowy backdrops. It’s a reminder that, quite often, Mother Nature is scarier than any masked madman or morphing alien; and when these tropes collide, copious shivers are certain to ensue.

The idea is to create unique and inspiring curriculums for the truly devoted, so ask yourself: Are you a horror fan who lives every day like it’s Halloween, too? Do you have the gumption and the stamina to consume a new horror movie every day of every month? If so, feast your eyes on our 31-day horror challenge for January below. Let us know you’re joining in the festivities by using our #MonthOfDread hashtag on social accounts when watching these films, and weigh in with your thoughts and observations. Good luck and don’t forget to pack your parka!

Did your favorite Winter-themed horror movie make the list? What are some other (literally) bone-chilling flicks that deserve a shout-out? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!

*Click images (separated by week) to enlarge, download, and print; you can also see a complete list of films in January’s 31-Day Horror Challenge at the bottom of the article. Enjoy!

January 1st, 2019: Dead Snow
January 2nd, 2019: Dead Snow 2: Red vs Dead
January 3rd, 2019: Cold Prey
January 4th, 2019: Cold Prey II
January 5th, 2019: Let the Right One In
January 6th, 2019: Let Me In
January 7th, 2019: The Shining
January 8th, 2019: Dreamcatcher
January 9th, 2019: Misery
January 10th, 2019: Ravenous
January 11th, 2019: Wind Chill
January 12th, 2019: Trollhunter
January 13th, 2019: Harbinger Down
January 14th, 2019: The Thing (1982)
January 15th, 2019: The Thing (2011)
January 16th, 2019: Fargo
January 17th, 2019: Devil’s Pass
January 18th, 2019: 30 Days of Night
January 19th, 2019: Frozen (2010)
January 20th, 2019: The Children (2008)
January 21st, 2019: Snowpiercer
January 22nd, 2019: The Grey
January 23rd, 2019: Shut In
January 24th, 2019: The Colony
January 25th, 2019: Blood Glacier
January 26th, 2019: Alien vs Predator
January 27th, 2019: Hold the Dark
January 28th, 2019: Europa Report
January 29th, 2019: Alive
January 30th, 2019: Underworld: Blood War
January 31st, 2019: War for the Planet of the Apes

Tags: Featured Post Horror Movie Challenges