Categories: B-Sides
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November 17, 2012

B-Sides: Free Bigfoot!

By Steve Barton
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Bill Rebane’s The Capture of Bigfoot makes a highly unlikely second appearance in the B-Sides with its folk rock opening number that serves as a stern reminder that every living creature has its place in this world – including Sasquatch. Let your spirit run free, Bigfoot. Run free, I said!

A Yeti goes on a rampage after some hunters capture its offspring and decide to make a fortune turning the little creature into a tourist attraction. Those hunters obviously were not paying attention to the lyrics of the title song, “My Spirit Runs Free” by The Friends.

This song holds a special place in my heart. A VHS copy of The Capture of Bigfoot sat in my video collection for years. It was at a time nearly a decade ago when I was recovering from surgery that I decided to finally pop it into my VCR. Curled up in my recliner, doped up on Percocet, wee hours of the morning seemed like as good a time as ever. Watched the opening credits, got about ten minutes in, and the next thing I know I’m waking up just in time to see the closing credits. Rewound, started over, heard the song in the opening credits again, and I’ll be damned if I didn’t find myself waking up once again in time for the end credits. Decided to try one more time; this time I didn’t even make it all the way through the opening credits before being awoken by the snapping sound a VHS tape makes as it finishes rewinding. Gave up and went to bed.

To this day I have never seen The Capture of Bigfoot in its entirety. I might be better off considering Lloyd Kaufman considers it to be one of the five worst movies in the Troma library. Think about what that statement entails for a moment.

I will say “The Spirit Runs Free” is a decent little, slightly haunting, 1970’s folk rock tune. You won’t need Percocet to hear this one out. Hopefully listening to it will not put you to sleep for 90 minutes either.

Run, Bigfoot, run! Run free!

Not too many good Bigfoot songs out there, and when you do come across a song about ol’ Sasquatch, it tends to lean heavily to the folksy side of the musical spectrum. Bigfoot’s heyday was the 1970’s, and they sure loved their soulful folk music back then.

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