Exclusive Clip From Short Film MR. SAM Gets Uncomfortable With a Corpse

At this year’s Dances With Films festival, director Zeus Kontoyannis will be bringing his short film Mr. Sam for its West Coast premiere. The film is about a mortician with an unhealthy obsession with a recent corpse and how it leads to a terrible situation between him and his best friend.

Above, we have an exclusive clip from the short which shows Mr. Sam talking to the corpse that has taken his fancy. Of course, the corpse doesn’t talk back (he’s kinda dead) but that doesn’t stop Mr. Sam from baring his soul. After all, what choice does the corpse have but to listen?

Today is a big day for Mr. Sam. He is going to reveal to his mother that he’s finally found the love of his life. Mr. Sam has many secrets; but the biggest one he’s managed to keep hidden from everyone for so long is discovered when his best friend Sandra arrives earlier than expected and catches him red-handed.

Luckily for Sam, all may not be lost. Sandra has a secret of her own, which locks the two into a twisted pact. Life, however, is not that simple. Sam nearly breaks the pact and soon comes face to face with Sandra’s demon; and that confrontation has deadly consequences. Sam must carry the burden for both and for now, secrets remain buried. But for how long?”

Written and directed by Zeus Kontoyannis, Mr. Sam stars Christopher Piccione, Catherine Ashmore Bradley, and Steve Blanchard.

Ticket information can be found here.



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