Stink of Flesh, The (DVD)

Starring Kurly Tlapoyawa, Ross Kelly, Diva, Billy Garberina
Directed by Scott Phillips
Released by Tempe Video
Imagine if you will that the world is essentially dead. Zombies have overrun the land, and there are only a handful of survivors seeking shelter, food, and people to have group sex with. Such is the premise of director Scott Phillips’ newest zombie opus The Stink of Flesh and believe it or not — it really works!
One would think that given the aforementioned storyline, the viewer would be in for some really grade B stupidity. There are a few laughs here and there, but while the concept of swingers looking for partners in an end of the world type scenario may seem a bit ludicrous to some, I can assure you the film paints a very dark and disturbing portrait of human nature.
Scott Phillips is an obvious fan of the zombie sub-genre, and this film really showcases his love for what he does. There are scenes in Stink that are truly disturbing. Just like Romero, Phillips makes us question who the real monsters are.
It seems that you simply cannot make a zombie film fast enough nowadays. Everyone is looking to capitalize on the recent popularity of the dead. This is no half-hearted effort. It’s apparent that this film was shot on a very small budget, but with its strong storyline and the energetic work put in on the parts of everyone involved, The Stink of Flesh far surpasses the usual mediocrity of the throng of quickie zombie cash-ins.
The DVD itself is also packing quite a bit of punch. There are two insightful commentaries on this disc — one with director Phillips and the other with a seemingly giddy and very proud cast and crew. We also get two featurettes that cover everything from the making of Stink to its opening night festivities. There was a lot of love involved in not only making this film happen but also making the DVD something special, and it shows.
When this film fell into my horror loving claws, I didn’t expect much. I ended up getting a hell of a lot out of it! The Stink of Flesh will have you wincing, cheering, laughing, and screaming for more.
The Stink of Flesh 2004
(Tempe Video)
Directed by Scott Phillips
Starring Diva, Kristin Hansen, William Garberina, Devin O’Leary, Andrew Vellenoweth, and Kurly Tlapoyawa
Special Features
Audio commentary with writer/director Scott Phillips
Audio commentary with the cast & crew
Dead Sexy making-of featurette
Bloopers & outtakes
Rainville: The Early Years featurette
Opening night premiere featurette
Production still gallery
DVD-ROM: PDF screenplay
Short films with commentary by Scott Phillips
Tempe DVD trailers
Reversible sleeve — choose your own artwork!

3 1/2 out of 5