BloodRayne 2 (Video Game)

If there’s anything in this world that you can count on to sell, it’s sex and violence. No two subjects have sparked more interest, curiosity, and of course controversy. It seems like a natural to pair the two into one project and see what happens. Whether or not the result of this “marriage” is bad or good, you’re gonna end up with a hot seller.
Enter Majesco’s BloodRayne 2. Horror entertainment has taken quite a turn over the years, and it’s a turn for the better. Long gone are the days when the Defenseless Female Victim™ would take center stage in a film to either trip and fall, faint, cry, or scream – or all of the above. Thanks to films like Alien, women have taken a stronger role in the genre, and it’s about time. Enter the bad-assed heroine: sexy, sleek, and not afraid to get dirty and kick ass.
BloodRayne 2 embodies every one of those traits to the tenth power. The game, however, is a bit of a mixed bag. One has to wonder if having a strong lead is enough to save a project. Well, the answer is both yes and no. The sizzle of this game is in the visuals. It lives up to its namesake like no other game I have ever seen. Blood literally rains down on the screen, painting the scenery a lovely shade of crimson. There’s dismemberment and evisceration aplenty! The violence is so over the top that it gets downright hilarious! Whack off a baddie’s leg and hear things like “Own! My Leg! MY LEG!” as he hops off to his doom. I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t dig this game for that type of gratuitous mayhem! The gore hound in me has never been happier as there’s enough of the red stuff flying around in this game to stun even the most jaded gamers out there.
Serious gamers, however, blast this game to high holy hell. Truth be told, it’s nothing more than a button masher. There’s no real innovation to be found, and it certainly isn’t going to be winning any awards for AI or anything else anytime soon. Know what I say though? What the hell’s wrong with that!? Does every gaming experience have to be a challenging ride down the Highway Contrived?
So it’s like this: Up for a little mindless bloody mayhem with a hot vampire babe dressed in spiked heels and leather? Look no further. Forget the umbrella and let the Rayne pour down! Looking for a serious gaming experience that is thought provoking and entertains you on a deeper level? Avoid this like a scorching case of herpes. As for me, I’m off to chop off the heads of some moronic animated stooges and giggle like a horny thirteen-year-old.
BloodRayne 2
Available for PS2 and Xbox
(Xbox version reviewed)
Rated M for Mature

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