Seize the Night (Short, 2015)


SeizethenightStarring Emma Dark, Carey Thring, Anthony Ilott

Directed by Emma Dark

With all of the grandeur and promise of an Underworld clone, director/actress Emma Dark’s vampirific Seize the Night actually manages to inject a little badassery into its jugular and really needs to see the light of day as a full-length feature to aid in its growth.

Dark plays Eva, a bloodsucker who looks pretty darn fetching in her black leather combat duds – she’s a former assassin who now kills for the love of it, rather than for a financial boost as a bonus. Her latest escape from a research facility has a pack of hired guns hunting her down, and the wolves she’d previously sworn to war against now may prove to be her only ally. While it may sound vaguely familiar, it really does manage to entertain on a few levels, outside of its doppelganger-like appearance.

With bluish-tones washing over all characters and some detailed fight scenes, the short (12 minutes) is competent at hooking you in and delivering a nice dose of nightcrawling action and suspense, all the while looking impressive visually for something that, while contained, should flourish nicely if there ever produces an opportunity to let this thing fully extend its bat wings, full-feature-wise. Definitely worth a peek once it becomes readily available to the masses.

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User Rating 3.63 (30 votes)


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