Time to Vote for the 13th Annual Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards

Sure the Oscars have come and gone, but they never seem to get it right, and you almost never find any good horror there anyway. But fear not! The Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards are now being voted on by experts in the horror field… you!
That’s right; as you may already know, the Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards are decided by the fans. Those people that live horror, love horror and have absolutely no problem voicing their opinions on horror. Am I right, Dreadies?! So we’re sure you want to rush right over and cast your vote.
You can let your voice be heard by visiting the official Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards ballot and saying your piece!
Once again Dread Central has been nominated for Best Horror Website, and for that we are extremely humbled and honored to be included amongst our peers. Big thanks to the powers-that-be.
Now in its thirteenth year, the 2015 Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards are dedicated to two genre legends who’ve passed recently, Dick Smith and Leonard Nimoy. The awards are extremely inclusive, covering everything in horror from Best Horror Movie, Best Television Presentation and Best Documentary, but also include other, more in-depth categories like Best Horror Magazine Column, Best Magazine Cover, Best Convention and Best Toy, Model or Collectible. The Rondo Hattons have all the bases covered! So get over to the awards site and speak your mind!