Collector’s Silence

Considering the fact that all Hannibal Rising is is a way to cash in on the Hannibal franchise, it should come as no surprise that they’re continuing the cash-in with a Collector’s Edition of the film that started it all, The Silence of the Lambs, according to Fangoria.
The new 2-disc CE of Silence will be hitting on January 30th with features including a newly remastered soundtrack, all the bonus materials from the previous Special Edition (see, this one’s a Collector’s Edition, big difference there), plus new features like a documentary about making the film from the Thomas Harris novel, new interviews with director Jonathan Demme and Jodie Foster, a featurette on the score, a four-page booklet, and (shudder) Hannibal Lecter recipe cards. Ugh.
If that’s not enough Lecter for you, keep in mind that the book Hannibal Rising hits on December 5th (get it here) so you can be sure to have a jump on the film before its release. Something tells me it’s going to stink up theaters when it is out, but I guess another new edition of Silence is worth it … right?
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