Top 13 Moments from The Walking Dead Season 4


The Prison Shootout (Episode 8, “Too Far Gone”)
As Season 4 was as much about introducing new characters and further developing some of the main cast members, there was sometimes a lull in the usually full-throttle action. However, that was not the case during the prison shootout. The Governor, realizing that his new “family” has slipped through his fingers, punctuated by him shooting Meghan in the head, decided to burn it all to the ground and led a massive firefight between his followers and the residents of the prison. The battle featured some of the biggest and most impressive weapons we’ve seen on “The Walking Dead” thus far, not the least of which was an M60 Patton tank. The fallout from the prison shootout shaped the entire second half of the season as our survivors were cast out into small groups struggling to find a foothold on their own in the unyielding world outside the prison gates.

Top 13 Moments from The Walking Dead Season 4

The Death of The Governor (Episode 8, “Too Far Gone”)
And we close out the great moments from Episode 8 with the death of The Governor. Played by David Morrissey, The Governor was the perfect adversary for Rick. After his flashback episodes, The Governor actually played more like an anti-hero. He was a bad dude, but you could kind of understand where he was coming from and sympathize with him to some extent. The problem was The Governor just took things one step too far. What you had to love about the guy is he always went big. He had a big zombie pit fighting ring, he wiped out his own followers during a massive shitfit, and he rolled a tank to a gunfight. So if The Governor was going to die, it had to be big. And there he was, just a few seconds from strangling Rick with his bare hands when Michonne runs him through with her blade. A fitting ending, but that’s not all! As he writhes on the ground facing certain death, Lilly comes along and speeds up the process, shooting The Governor in the face and effectively ending his reign of terror.

Judith is Aliveā€¦ And Lizzie Nearly Kills Her! (Episode 10, “Inmates”)
One character who went from the fringe to the center of attention in Season 4 was Lizzie. And before her big episode came up later in the season, we got a good look at just how nutty this little girl was. Shortly after we discover that baby Judith is indeed alive, which was revealed to us in a very cool and surprising way as she was strapped to the front of Tyreese, and when he turned around, we saw that the baby was indeed still a little ass-kicker. Tyreese leaves the two sisters alone in the woods with the baby as he investigates some commotion on the train tracks. Top-notch childcare there, Big T. But as zombies close in on the little ones, Lizzie covers the baby’s mouth and nose to keep her from making noise and attracting walkers, nearly killing her. This turned out to be a very intense scene which helped to add to the realism of Lizzie’s mental issues later on.

Top 13 Moments from The Walking Dead Season 4

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