Dread Central’s 2022 Digital Horror Gift Guide

It happens to the best of us. The holiday season rolls around, you’ve got a list of people who matter most to you, and then like Julianne Moore in The Forgotten, they slip your mind. Maybe it’s a relative or acquaintance, maybe a coworker who screwed you over with an unexpected Bath and Body Works candle. Now you’ve got to get them a gift. Whatever the case, it’s now easier than ever to find the perfect, last-minute something for anyone on your list. While it might get trickier for the horror lover in your life, we’ve put together a (pretty phenomenal) gift guide of digital goodies for every and any horror fan in your life. These are easy to give, quick to deliver (no standing in long lines at the UPS store), and best of all, pretty danged cool.

Bloodwash might be a pretty short experience, but it’s a remarkably frightening one. Plus, at just $7.99, it’s the perfect last-minute gift for the horror gamer in your life. Available on both Steam and console (including the Nintendo Switch, likely the ideal way to plan given its handheld capabilities), Bloodwash tasks you with guiding Sara, a graduate student, to an isolated laundromat one evening. She’s got a big interview the next day, and her cad of a partner hasn’t done the laundry. Unfortunately, rumors are swirling that the Womb Ripper is prowling around, a serial killer who does exactly what his name suggests. Can Sara survive the night? Can she get her laundry done? Scary with pretty remarkable PS1-style graphics (and plenty of other visual modes to amp up the nostalgia), Bloodwash is a Giallo-inspired horror narrative like no other.
Arrow Player Membership

Horror fans likely already have that subscription to Shudder locked and loaded. It’s a must-have, after all, home to such titles as Mad God and A Wounded Fawn, two of 2022’s best. If they don’t have Shudder, gift them Shudder. If they do, however, Arrow Video’s streaming service, Arrow Player, is a must-have. A mixture of new releases and classic genre titles, memberships can be gifted for both monthly and annual subscriptions. It’s got 2022’s The Leech. It’s got the full Ringu collection. Arrow Player is the perfect niche supplement to Shudder.
iPhone Icons

A little more niche, sure, but iPhone icons have taken off, especially given the release of iOS 14 two years ago, the first time iPhone users have had the opportunity to add widgets and icons to their home screen. Anti-art artist Jack Carden has a set of icons available for purchase. They’re the perfect way to add a little grim spice to your home screen.
Scream Digital Download Poster

It’s not enough to just have movies anymore. The screening room, 4K library, whatever it might be must not only have the goods, it has to look good as well. There’s no better way to jazz up one’s horror collection than with a curated set of movie posters. While the likes of Mondo deliver some of the best, they’re pricey. For a more budget-friendly option, one with a bit more customization available, digital art takes the cake. This piece from seller Cinematastic on Etsy is a gorgeously stripped down Scream poster. Available to download immediately, horror fans can print the digital file themselves, adding a much needed Barrymore Boon to their horror collection.
Fright Rags Gift Certificate

Sure, a gift certificate is a little too easy, but given the sheer bounty of treasures available through Fright Rags, there’s little better. It certainly beats Target or Starbucks, that’s for sure (and it definitely beats those awful, awful Visa gift cards that are agonizingly painful to use). Fright Rags’ curated collection of official merchandise ranges from apparel to candles to, yes, even tabletop games. With a new Ti West collection and a pretty remarkable Silent Night Deadly Night board game, there’s no doubt fans will be able to find something that matches their style.

If you’re not subscribed to Fangoria, why not? The holy book for horror fans, the latest subscription window starts January 18, 2023. It’s the perfect time to gift a subscription, guaranteeing several issues of must-read editorials, behind-the-scenes insights, and stellar interviews from a slate of talented writers and horror fans. Plus, Barbara Crampton is a guest contributor. What else is there to say?