In Italy Even The Perfect Marriage Can End in Bloodshed

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When you live with or marry someone, the road can get kind of bumpy. Usually things are easily smoothed out with a little attention and communication, but sometimes… sometimes the shit just hits the fan. Case in point: the new horror flick from Italy The Perfect Marriage (Il Marito Perfetto).
Written and directed by Lucas Pavetta and featuring special effects from Thomas Luzi, The Perfect Marriage stars Crisula Stafida, Damiano Verrocchi, and Stefano Jacurti.
Thanks to DC reader Avery for the heads-up!
After suffering the effects of a traumatic experience, a husband and wife decide to spend a few days at their country home in an attempt to forget the past and begin living a peaceful life. However, what starts out as a weekend of love suddenly turns into a weekend of blood. Get ready to see the darker and crueler side of your sweetheart!

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