Exclusive: THE DEVIL’S DOORWAY Clip is All Smiles and Evil

Ahead of its July 13 release date, we’ve got an exclusive clip from the Northern Ireland found footage horror film The Devil’s Doorway, which comes from our pals over at IFC Midnight.

In the clip, we see a young woman, who is clearly possessed, shackled to a bed and surrounded by crucifixes. As priests whisper prayers around her, she grows more and more agitated until the candles in the room blow out and strange noises ring out. I won’t spoil the rest of the clip but it’s certainly creepy! I have a sneaking suspicion that this is the kind of film that will get under your skin and won’t go away without leaving a scar or two.

What unholy terrors lurk behind the walls of a secretive Irish convent? Northern Ireland, 1960: Father Thomas Riley and Father John Thornton are dispatched by the Vatican to investigate reports of a miracle—a statue of the Virgin Mary weeping blood—at a remote Catholic asylum for “immoral” women. Armed with 16mm film cameras to record their findings, the priests instead discover a depraved horror show of sadistic nuns, satanism, and demonic possession. Supernatural forces are at work here—but they are not the doing of God.

Directed by Aislinn Clarke, The Devil’s Doorway stars Lalor Roddy, Ciaran Flynn, Helena Bereen, and Lauren Coe.



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