Escape From Earth Rumors Squashed

This is why we really try not to report on unfounded rumors just for the sake of getting some more traffic to the site. Sure, it would be nice to see the kind of numbers various sites no doubt got when they reported on the rumor sent in by an “anonymous scooper” that Kurt Russell and John Carpenter would re-team for Escape From Earth, the third film in John’s Escape series that was mentioned a lot during the Escape From L.A. release, but not a word of it was true.
Supposedly, Kurt Russell said he would only sign a three-picture deal with Paramount if they agreed to do Escape From Earth, which is the kind of demands stars these days, no matter how big, rarely get to make in the first place. Russell is not exactly a golden ticket at the box office either.
This from Moriarity, aka Drew McWeeny, long-time reporter on AICN and co-screenwriter of Carpenter’s last two Masters of Horror episodes. He checked in with John personally just to be sure, and it was dead before he even finished the sentence. “Escape From Earth is an idea we had several years ago, but it never really got any further than that,” he said. When he was asked if he’d ever met with Paramount, then or now (as that was part of the “scoop” delivered to various sites), the answer was a simple “Nope.”
So there ya go; now we can all get back to our normal lives and hope that someday, someone out there will at least finally make the Snake Plissken video game that was supposed to be out years ago…
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