And Now a Message from Tim Sullivan

Around here at Dread Central there are few filmmakers we love more than the ever so outspoken and off the rails main maniac himself, Tim Sullivan. Given the importance of this weekend for horror Tim has chimed in with a message for not only his fans but all horror fans everywhere.
“Dear Fellow Horror Fan —
Went to the premiere of HATCHET II last night and couldn’t be prouder of my brother in horror Adam Green. Not only did he make a movie that broke all the rules and put FUN back into horror, he did it HIS way, without bending to the big studios or the MPAA. Adam made the kind of films true horror fans beg for. I know they have, because I hear them loud and clear at conventions, festivals and daily on Facebook and Twitter. Us indie horror guys have been listening to you. So I thought I’d take a moment in the wake of HATCHET II’s UNRATED THEATRICAL RELEASE this weekend to ask you guys to listen a little to me, to us, for a moment.
First off, I just wanted to say thank you for all your support of me and my film career over the past years. It’s because of YOUR support that independent cinema is alive and well. Because of YOU, there are alternatives to Michael Bay remakes of 80’s horror films and the all too familiar “product” churned out like sausages by the Hollywood studios. Most importantly, it’s because of YOU that there is a 2001 MANIACS franchise. YOU demanded a sequel, and now you’ve gotten it. 2001 MANIACS: FIELD OF SCREAMS
It’s truly been a labor of love. A movie made by the fans for the fans. We are politicaly incorrect and proud of it. We aim to offend and wake up complacent audiences numbed by bloated, mindless studio fodder. We aim to be to horror what punk is to rock and roll.
Having said this, if you want this kind of entertainment to continue — if you want a THIRD MANIACS to follow — a THIRD HATCHET — more HILLS RUN RED another HOUSE OF THE DEVIL — more films like the upcoming indie splatstick CHILLERAMA (from me and my pals Green. Adam Rifkin and Joe Lynch) then we ALL need YOUR help.
First off — please do not steal our movies. Please do not download them illegally off the net or buy a bootleg off the street. You are literally stealing our livelihood if you do. And trust me- none of us who worked on FIELD OF SCREAMS have deep pockets. None of my brothers and sisters working in Indie horror do. I know you all think we live in giant houses and are driven in limos and have maids and butlers, but TRUST ME, we do not. Well, Adam Rifkin does. But that’s only because he invested his bar mitzvah money in real estate when he was a little boy. But besides Adam Rifkin, Us Indie horror guys cannot survive video piracy. And neither can our flicks. Giant blockbusters like TWILIGHT and IRON MAN can take a piracy hit, but we cannot. Do you realize that last week FROZEN was pirated over 125,000 times before it even hit the markets? For some titles, that’s the total amount of units sold!
So secondly — and most importantly — PLEASE show your support where it matters most by going to the theaters and paying for a ticket (in the case of HATCHET II and those other Indies that miraculously get a theatrical release) or buying the DVD/BLU-RAY or putting it in your Netflix cue.
By doing so, you will be casting a vote for the future of Independent Horror. If you don’t then you will be damning yourself to a future of soulless studio remakes and rehashes and absolutely nothing original.
Hey — when you get together with your buds on a Saturday night with a case of cold ones and a hot pepperoni, you wouldn’t think of stealing the booze or pizza, would you? (Well, most of you wouldn’t.) So why would steal the flick around which your entire “Movie Night” revolves?
So please — to say it one more time loud and fucking clear:
From the bottom of my heart I thank you for taking the time to read this and supporting 2001 MANIACS: FIELD OF SCREAMS.
We are one in the world of horror. Outsiders who always marched to a different beat.
Us Indie Horror guys got your back. Thanks for getting ours.
Tim Sullivan”
Amen brother.
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