Another Poltergeist Haunting?

It seems like every few months someone out there has to get rumors started again about another Poltergeist film being in the works. You’d think by now MGM would see the potential and just move forward with the damn thing.
Such may be the case according to Moviehole, which has learned from trusted sources that Poltergeist: In the Shadows is in the early stages of development as you read this. Does that mean it will actually happen? Hell no. But it’s a good sign that Poltergeist 1 & 2 writer Michael Grais has apparently been asked to pen the sequel.
The film will have nothing in common with Poltergeist: Kaveri, which had an early draft done by Moviehole editor Clint Morris before it was put into turnaround, and it will also not be a remake of the first (thank God). Since it’s likely no cast will return, we’ll have to assume it’s just a setup using the same mtythology established in the first three films.
There, now we’ll just wait another few months for more discussion of Poltergeist: In the Shadows and all will be right with the world…
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