Mariano Baino Talks Hidden 3D Cast and Crew Changes

Following up on a previous story pertaining to some recent shake-ups surrounding Italy’s first 3D film, Hidden, we recently heard from vacating director Mariano Baino regarding both his and Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni’s departure from the film.
“Both Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni and I would like to clarify a couple of things regarding our involvement with Hidden 3D,” says Baino. “I co-wrote the original screenplay with the amazingly talented Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni. Most people know her as a wonderfully gifted actress and painter, but she is also a very talented writer. We came up with a truly unique concept and wanted to make a genuinely disturbing, multi-layered movie. Unfortunately the producers decided to go in a completely different direction, and we decided to leave the project. No hard feelings. Stuff happens. Lesson learned. It was a labor of love for us, a project we spent years writing and developing. As artists, both of us care deeply about everything we get involved with, and we couldn’t bear the thought of making the movie the producers wanted to make. We have kept our ‘story by’ credit on Hidden 3D, because the movie is still based on our original story, but signed the screenplay with a couple of very obvious pseudonyms because very little, if any, of our screenplay or our original intention and vision was left in the movie they are making, but that’s the extent of our association with the movie now. Anyway, the whole Hidden 3D experience is behind us, and Coralina and I are already on to our next, bigger and better project.”
Keep it here for more on what Baino and Cataldi-Tassoni (pictured below) will be up to next!

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