Dreamworks Nabs Bones


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Dreamworks to finance & distribute Peter Jackson's next According to Variety this morning, Dreamworks has won the bidding war to nab Peter Jackson’s next outing, The Lovely Bones (last story here), agreeing to hand out about $65 million for production. Does it really seem like it should cost so much?

After the breakdown of his relationship with New Line, it was up in the air as to where Jackson might land next, but it was never in question that he wouldn’t have to wait for very long. Dreamworks made the most sense since they, too, had fought for the rights to Alice Sebold’s bestselling novel before Jackson got his hands on them.

Shooting is expected to start on the story of a young girl watching down on her family and her killer from heaven this October; the studio plans on getting the pic out there by fourth quarter of 2008.

Johnny Butane

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