A More Sensitive Battle

As if the idea of Americans remaking/re-adapting Battle Royale wasn’t disturbing enough from the outset, now Vertigo producer Roy Lee is telling the press that the recent massacre at Virginia Tech will “seriously affect” how they approach the material.
Here’s a thought: Don’t approach it. In fact, back slowly away from it. Because the fact that you’re letting real-life events and the actions of one psychopathic madman affect what you’re going to do with a fictional story about a dystopian society in which 9th graders killing one another is encouraged shows that now is not the time to make this movie. Leave it alone; walk away before you do any more damage. Please. America is not at a point where the public can deal with a film like Battle Royale right now.
According to IGN, Lee discussed the remake in a recent article that appeared in the New York Times, stating that if they do move forward with it, they might be more “sensitive” to some of the issues the book/film presents. Right, that’s to be expected, which is why they should leave it the fuck alone. By being more sensitive, they’ll miss the point of the story completely and end up making a mockery of the source material. Hell, I almost agree that they should be more sensitive with it, which is why I fully recognize that this is not the time to make such a film, period. If you can’t make Battle Royale with all of its subtleties and viewpoints intact, you’re just going to end up with another Condemned. And no one wants that.
Lee also confirmed that forward progress on an Oldboy remake had ground to a halt, mainly because the Virginia Tech gunman had apparently been influenced by Park Chan-Wook’s revenge film. Take that for what you will.
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